Purple heart
Scientific Name: Peltogyne pubescens ( Family : Caesalpiniaceae )
Standard Name: Amarante
Other Names: Amaranth, Nazarenzo, Pau Roxo, Bois Violet, Barabu
Wood Appearance:
Dull brown when freshly cut, rapidly oxidizes to violet-purple exposure
to light and gradually toning down in course to time to purplish-brown.
Sapwood whitish or cream colored. Grain generally straight, sometimes wavy
or interlocked.Texture moderate to fine. Bole 50-90 feet long, cylindrical;
diameter 20-44 inches.
Physical and Mechanical Properties:
Wood is very tought, strong and resilient. Weight about 860 kg/ cubic meter
(54 lb / cubic foot )seasoned. Movement small bending strength 147 N/ square
millimeter (21,300 lbf/ square inch ) modulus of elasticity 1600 N/ square
millimeter ( 242,000 lbf/ square inch) compression parallel to grain
78.5 N / square millimeter ( 11,380 lbg/ square inch ) Shock resistance medium.
Highly resistant to decay, termites and fire. Heartwood very durable and
extremely resistant to preservative treatment, but sapwood is permeable.
Timber Processing:
Drying- Dries well and fairly rapidly with little degrade.
Working- Not difficult to work. Saws, planes and turns well, finishing smoothly;
takes a high polish.
Assembly- It takes glue well and holds nails and screws satisfactorily.
Finishing- Gives good results when lacquered or polished.
Possesses high strength and very good durability and is an excellent structural timber suitable for heavy outdoor construction work such as bridges, dock work and park benches. As flooring, it is has high wearing quantities and is suitable for most conditions of traffic. Has been used successfully in chemical plants for vats, filter press plates and frames. Also used for making billard cue butts, tool handles, interior and exterior joinery and shipbuilding. A valuable wood for its attractive appearance and its strength.